
I was first introduced to CrossFit by my good friend and co-worker Sherri.  She told me about this great workout program she had just started and how much she really liked it and she thought that I would also really like it.  Sherri introduced me to Jens Lovell who is also a co-worker of ours and a certified CrossFit trainer and owner of CrossFit St. George.  They both encouraged me to go that day and workout with them.  That was February 7, 2009 and I have not looked back since.  After getting my butt kicked that day on a workout called "The Baseline" I knew I was hooked.  CrossFit workouts are challenging, difficult, and sometimes vomit inducing but above all that they are fun and each time they leave you with a huge sense of accomplishment.  I know now that CrossFit is not just a workout, its a way of life and now its my way of life.  So follow along with me as I change my life for the better, as I become a stronger, healthier me.  I will blog about the workouts that I do each day and also my successes and failures.  

My CrossFit Goals

1. Lose 60 pounds, and or get down to 20-22% body fat.
2. Compete in the 2010 CrossFit games.
3. Become a certified CrossFit trainer.
4. Introduce my family and friends to the CrossFit lifestyle.
    (Just to name a few...)

Monday, April 27, 2009

W.O.D 4/26/09

Rest Day

W.O.D 4/25/09

Team "Cindy"

AMRAP in 20 min of:

5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats

Megan and I were about 8 squats away from 19 rounds!!!

W.O.D 4/24/09

"Stroke Out"

8rds of:

1 minute of rowing for distance
1 minute of rest


W.O.D 4/23/09

21-15-9 reps for time of:

Over head squats
Sumo dead lift high pulls


W.O.D 4/22/09


Jump Rope-100-80-60-40-20 reps
Sit ups-50-40-30-20-10 reps

For time-11:41

W.O.D 4/21/09

"Tabata Something Else..."

Tabata Pull ups
Box Jumps
Push ups
Sit ups

W.O.D 4/20/09

For time-

2k Row and then:
3rds of: 400m run
5 clean and jerks 95lb
20 box jumps